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  • Learning today . . . Leading Tomorrow

    Grade 12 2014- Adit

    It is amazing what we learn about ourselves when we study Visual Arts. I began my practice with no idea of what I could achieve. I knew I liked intricate pattern and I began there, since my major visual stimulus as a child has been the intricate patterns of Indonesian carving and batik. As a small child I loved looking at patterns and shape. From that understanding I learned about Op Art, and through societal context, Jung and Freud. My journey evolved into esoteric as visuals. The more we think we know about the nature of the universe, the more we realize we know very little.  Yet most ancient cultures seem to understand the interconnected cyclical nature of life as defined by the Ouroboros.
    From optical illusions and pattern, I looked at different knots depicting esoterics from many different cultures such as Chinese and Celtic. All are visually similar, and represent cycles of life and continuity. The knots and other representations that are included in the arts of various world cultures, include the flower of life, the ouroboros and the infinity symbol.

    A major inspirational artist has been Indonesian artist Haryadi Suadi. His style and subject matter relate to myself as a young Indonesian man on my own spiritual journey. Haryadi Suadi uses religion, and multi ethnic cultural representations in an artistic mix of printed and painted visuals that have an underlying depth of spirituality. The work of Hundertwassert, who demonstrated the cyclical nature of life in his spiral works also, has been a great influence. His and Alex Greys works encouraged me to consider the spectrum and employ color in my work. Media I have explored include oils, waxes, acrylics, fluorescence, and printmaking. Life itself is more difficult to explain than any other thing in the universe, yet it is somehow comforting to know that his cyclical nature of everything transcends all our problems and worries.

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