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  • Learning today . . . Leading Tomorrow

    Grade 12 2014- Dan bi

    Personal Statement
    My theme came about from my love for animals. I began with simple and cliché ideas and developed those ideas into works which possess meaning and the message that I wish to articulate. To give meaning to my ideas I delved into my personal history and culture, reconnecting with an awful experience with my grandparents eating pet dog that I raised. In Korean culture, it is traditional to invigorate the body by consuming braised meats, usually chicken. My grandfather favored eating dog meat and cooked up the dog that we raised. It has always stayed with me. I have then focused on the eating of meat and the treatment of meat animals, often farmed for a brutal death. Different cultures also do not frown upon eating live meat off fish. There is no consideration for pain and suffering. Animals are not just meat carcasses, and after looking into vegetarianism I went back to Genesis where I read that the first people only ate only fruit and nuts. I’ve worked through various media; Chiaroscuro oils, luminous water color on paper, lenticular lens plastic and photo-shopped posters. Water-color was used to express the purity of fruits which are gifts from God. And the lenticular lens can be viewed from two perspectives, animal or meat.
    Charlotte Caron has been an influence. She has worked over photographs with thick acrylic paint. By creating a harmony through two mediums, it allows her to compare two similar but different worlds thus creating duality. Her series of masked humans conveys the idea of animals and humans having similar personalities. Louis Wain painted cats with human personalities as friends. I personally wanted to create images that can easily communicate my intentions about the way many people see animals. That is as meat to be consumed, not the mostly intelligent sentient beings they are.

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