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  • Learning today . . . Leading Tomorrow

    Grade 12 2014- Dylan

    I began my studies interested in street art, and artists such as Banksy and Fairey.  Then one day I noticed a friends’ surfboard decorated in a mixture of paint and fused resin. Employing new found knowledge about visual qualities, I viewed the board in a new way and it changed my life. Colored resin had been intelligently poured and left to move on its own according to the surface slant, and the non-visible factors of gravity and the carioles effect. I recognized a resemblance to the structures of galaxies, space, stars and nebulae and began to explore. I researched artists whose work relates to physics and space, whose art is based on complex ideas, not just literal physicalities, and I employed the power of ideas, esoterica, and theories drawn out from science to make art works. I also noted that Banksy and Shepard Fairy, early influences, put everything to question, suggesting deeper meanings and subliminal messages in their street art.
    Intrigued by the subject matter of space, the formation and structure of nebulae, along with the idea that everything in the universe is made up of “dust”, I came to think about cause and effect and the interconnectedness of all via the big bang theory. Everything is in motion via invisible yet measureable forces and I want to show that. The media I have employed are diverse and include plexiglass, acrylics, enamels, resin, papers and watercolors mixed with polymers and oil. I also employed force as a media by placing paint between layers of acrylic plexiglass and applying  a single force in the middle of the paint in order to create a movement of expansion and retraction, thereby capturing an energy transfer from myself into the paint. Influential artists are Jackson Pollack, Banksy, and Lalique, all totally different yet connected in my mind.

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