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  • Learning today . . . Leading Tomorrow

    Grade 12 2014- Alice

    Visual Arts has enabled me to express my thoughts, feelings and ideas in an honest and candid way. Something I have never been able to do before as I am a young person who lives a life within two cultures and two very different sets of expectations. Visually, tattoos were initially my main interest. I see the tattoo as an art form appealing to my shy personality. Messages conveyed via tattoos sometimes negate the need to interact with another individual on a personal level. I like the fact that I can glimpse into the personality of others without vocalization. So I have tattooed my face and a leather mask to express myself to others without vocalizing. The tattooed body is displayed as a living canvas, much like dance through body movement. The art of dance has shaped the gregarious British part of my identity. My Indonesian side is more quiet and restricted by culture. It is difficult to express myself as a “Good Indonesian girl”, I only know how to behave and pose like a Loro Blonyo statue. I have drawn on my identity in a journey of self-discovery through Visual Art.
    Reflecting on childhood connected me to Indonesian cultural art forms such as shadow puppets, batik, embroidery, and performance. I am free performing as a salsa dancer. I need costumes that look good and move with me. It is who I really am, not a Loro Blonyo girl. I draw on the strength of Andrea Deszo, who embroidered fragments of her mother’s advice to her as a girl and the amazingly brave Zandra Rhodes. Dancing vignettes, dolls and the masks I must wear are fashioned using a range of media. Leather, and clay masks, oils, henna, pencils and acrylics on canvass are some materials I have worked with.

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