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  • Learning today . . . Leading Tomorrow

    Grade 8 2015- Native American


    For this project students designed their own Native American Totem. They learned about Native American animal spirit totems and based on their own birthdate choose one for themselves. Each child is given a totem at birth, similar to Chinese horoscope animals. Many cultures have totems including Australian Aboriginal peoples. Students watched a power point and then viewed a number of images and worksheets explaining the Native American totem animals’ characteristics. Then working with pen and ink they began to design a symmetrical composition based on a Native American theme. Experimentation with papers and inks was required and students learned to manipulate the media to a high level of skill by employing a lot of hand washing, thinking and strategic skills. The purpose of the exercise was to help them become excellent and confident drawers but also to encourage good research and workbook skills and documentation. Always do your best!

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