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  • Learning today . . . Leading Tomorrow

    grade 7 2015- Portrait

    In this project you are going to study the periods of history known as the Renaissance. Many people devote their lives to the study of this historical period. The renaissance ushered in a new beginning in the understanding of the arts and sciences and produced a plethora of creativity never seen before in human history. Such minds as Da Vinci and Painter such as Michaelangelo, new architecture, new ideas and the glamorous patrons, the Medici and Borgia all peopled this time. We will then have a quick look at the role of portraiture throughout history and how it has developed over the centuries. The other focuses of this unit of work are brush skills, drawing skills and painting. Through informed practice we will develop our painting and preparation skills. We will also build upon our analytical skills and learn to critique and talk about artworks in a group situation. Students will learn how to take notes in a critique session and then how to apply those notes to arts analysis.
    WOW! It is a lot to cover5, so as usual we will have dedicated intense lessons on theory and then roll straight into practice. I know you will love this project! Get ready to learn!

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