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  • Learning today . . . Leading Tomorrow

    Grade 12 2013 - Dennis

    I began being interested in light and the qualities of its different forms. With that in mind I began to investigate photography incorporating different forms of light play. Light paintings and time lapse photography were inspiring to me and I moved on to x-ray imaging and orbs. I looked at Nick Veasey’s x-ray images. He shows the world what is inside, what everything looks like without all the clothes, make up, materialistic objects and even our flesh. This represents a simple spirituality. I make grids and non-representational symbolic images because I feel that the world is interconnected and people are generally spiritually unaware of the things surrounding them. Each cross-section on a grid represents an individual connection to the world. I grew up in a house filled with antiques and beautiful ethnic carvings. Pattern has been a constant in my life, the grid is pattern in its simplest raw form. My grids show the relation between life, space and the universe, how everything in existence is interconnected and how time and space is limitless in its interplay with cosmic and mystical worlds. I began my grids painting semi-abstract photographic pixilated images. I was interested in this because pixilated images process an image and project it onto a grid-like form. I am also inspired by artists such as Alex Grey, Ding Yi and Won Ju Lim. Ding Yi is an artist who paints for meditation, painting is an escape to him, it calms him down mentally and spiritually. Looking at grids makes me think deeper about the whole universe and allows me to be taken away by my thoughts. Media employed includes Perspex, acrylic, oils on canvas, and board.

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