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  • Learning today . . . Leading Tomorrow

    Grade 12 - 2012 Jane

    My work is based on the theme of trees. I live in Indonesia, in a city full of huge trees, diverse in species. I have lived amongst these trees all my life and am fascinated by their sentient presence. My artworks revolve around the spirits that I feel inhabit trees. My favorite tree is the subject of a number of works, as well as the reality of the life of the trees that live in the city on the sides of the roads. I want my audience to be able to ‘feel’ and ‘sense’ the existence of trees rather than just taking them for granted, so I have changed the context of trees and brought them into the gallery.
    I have employed diverse media in order to express my ideas; including rattan and plywood installations; oils, acrylic and compound media to create textures. I am a perfectionist when it comes to detail, and have worked using small brushes, taking great pleasure in painting with them.
    My inspiration comes from many sources, but mostly it is my environment that has most affected me. I bonded with a tree that I pass by every day. This huge rain tree exists in a small city garden which it reigns over. There is hectic traffic beside the garden, tall buildings surround it and busy people pass by daily. None ever think of the existence of the tree and the life it harbors in its’ branches, bark and roots. An Indonesian artist who has inspired me is Dadang Christianto. He believes that trees bear witness to the acts and deeds of humanity. He has expressed this through vivid and intense images of what trees have seen. Research also led me to explore the mythology of the Green Man tree entity, who has existed across history and diverse cultures and religions for thousands of years.

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